In English

Hyvinkään Vihreät represents The Green Party Of Hyvinkää, in the city of Hyvinkää. Greens have been in Hyvinkää’s city council since municipal elections of 1984. Making us one of the oldest green party associates in Finland.

Follow us on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram!

For latest recent events and news from greens, see our articles in English.

Green party’s cornerstone is ambitious environmental politics. Best legacy to our children, is clean and well-being nature. Needs of a growing city are sometimes challenging nature’s values – we aim to protect our clean ground water, soils, swamps and forests. We want to preserve natures diversity and aim our city into carbon neutrality.

You are welcome to join us via green party (Choose Hyvinkään Vihreät as your party branch), or as a independent support membership, contact us for more details!

Greens also have a branch for non-finnish speaking greens called: Green sisu

Are you interested of taking the action? You might be eligible to vote and become candidate, even if you are not citizen of Finland:

Picture: Green Sisu

– You have right to vote and become candidate in municipal elections if you are citizen of another EU member state, Iceland or Norway, AND you meet the following criteria:
1) You are 18 years of age at latest on the election day, and:
2) You are assigned a municipality of residence in Finland, two months prior the election at latest.

If you are citizen of some other country, you may vote in municipal elections if:
1) You are 18 years of age at latest on the election day, and:
2) You have had municipality of residence in Finland for a continuous period of, at least two years.
(Learn more from justice departments site)

Current season 2021-2025: We are 4th largest group in the city council. In 2021 elections, we gain 11,6% share of total votes, which gave us 6 of 51 seats in the city council. Comparing to the 2017 results, we lost 1 seat.

Our representatives:
Terhi Korpela (Group chair)

Minna Hyytiäinen (vice group chair)

Janne Matikainen

Roosa Laakso

Hanna Ajanki

Santeri Leinonen

Greens have representation in every committee of Hyvinkää, including city executive board (Minna Hyytiäinen). Full list of our representatives and boards here (in Finnish).